BOOKS 2016: Translation of the book Authorpreneur in Pajamas by Geraldine Solon, published on various online platforms.2015: Translation of A Gardening Guide For Organic Soil Building: Methods to Obtain Healthy Garden Soil by Amber Richards. Book published on various online plateforms, please read the on this article (in French) book translation to know more about it.
2012: Book editing of Andree Hamelin Le sang de la Lune, first of a series on the subject of menstruations considered from scientific, health and spiritual points of view.
In 2001, I helped transcribe, structure and revise Une femme parmi tant d'autres by author Enice Toussaint, self-published by "Editions Nouveau Siecle".
ARTICLES 2013: Translation of an article by Dr. Kenneth Stoller: A Primer of Hyperbaric Therapy for Parents (Une introduction à la thérapie hyperbare pour les parents d'enfants affectés par l'autisme).